
Showing posts from July, 2017

My Sex Life, My Business!

Sex is a gift from God, sacred, holy and meant for the enjoyment of married couples alone. Now, every couple wants to be sexually satisfied by their partner which is not a bad thing, it is how the body is made and sexual urges were given to us by God Himself, so there is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. It is very fulfilling when we are sexually satisfied, beautiful, precious and very spiritual; every experience should be kept private. No matter how close a person is to you, do not let down your guard and start telling them about your sex life, describing how it started to the point of orgasm. You might ask; can I just give my best friend a modicum on how my spouse satisfies me in bed? The answer is No; however general statements like; I have a good sex life or I do enjoy sex, may not necessarily pose any threat to your marriage but still possible. First of all, the human mind is not only deep but very graphic and broad, so when you go ahead to tell a friend innocently