
Showing posts from March, 2018

We chose to dwell only on our Beautiful Experiences

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been months since I connected with you guys. Trust me; it’s nothing intentional; life just blew me to another side but for a good course. Well it’s good to be back. I officially want to say a happy new year to you and I miss hearing and reading your thoughts. I am hoping you have kept me in your prayers as I have you in mine.   Today, I want to open up a part of my life to you; a lot of people have asked and still asks why I’m so into “this marriage thing”, especially counseling. In fact some asked why I am so interested in seeing couples succeed even though I may not know them. Aside from these questions, I have also received compliments on how inspiring, beautiful and perfect my marriage is. I am indeed happy that my marriage is a source of inspiration and thank you for letting it minister to you. While I don't deny the fact that my marriage is a major blessing in my life and I believe it's at a place where God wants it to be, I want y