
Showing posts from June, 2019

Get a Hold of your Mind

Hello there, its been a while, over a year maybe? well it feels good to be connecting with you again and I want to quickly share a piece of my life with you in this post, so sit back, grab a drink, tea, coffee and I pray you get one or two things from it.                         DEPRESSION So here's how depression used to kick in for me: it starts most times with sadness that generates from nothing, absolutely nothing. Sometimes it could just be an unexplained mood swing, not getting what I expect or even stress. Then the devil begins to work on my heart and I start to think, generate and give myself lots of reasons why I should be sad and boom! I find myself in a state of severe sadness; sometimes I cry and throw myself a pity party. Sometimes I expect family and friends to notice my sadness and try to make me happy and if that didn't  happen I'm oh so cranky, annoyed, blame everyone for my own emotions and completely shutdown. This made me