Get a Hold of your Mind

Hello there, its been a while, over a year maybe? well it feels good to be connecting with you again and I want to quickly share a piece of my life with you in this post, so sit back, grab a drink, tea, coffee and I pray you get one or two things from it.


So here's how depression used to kick in for me:
it starts most times with sadness that generates from nothing, absolutely nothing. Sometimes it could just be an unexplained mood swing, not getting what I expect or even stress. Then the devil begins to work on my heart and I start to think, generate and give myself lots of reasons why I should be sad and boom! I find myself in a state of severe sadness; sometimes I cry and throw myself a pity party.

Sometimes I expect family and friends to notice my sadness and try to make me happy and if that didn't  happen I'm oh so cranky, annoyed, blame everyone for my own emotions and completely shutdown. This made me even more miserable.

Well, here's also how i turned this around;
After giving in severally to this trick of the devil, I finally decided I have had enough and that he had no power over me, my emotions or my mood. So when sadness kicks in, instead of giving myself reasons why I deserve to be sad, I begin to count all my BLESSINGS! From the biggest to the littlest and I find myself even more thankful and this joy that emanates from within is so incomprehensible. I take no glory in all these, it was all God, i have no strength of my own.

I have learned to be thankful for the present and not relive my past.
I have learned to be more appreciative of what I have and hold my faith high for the things I desire.
I'm learning to accept God's No or Wait as a look out for me.
I have learned not to stay idle but keep occupied with things that are edifying.
I have learned to choose my own friends and control my association with people.
I have learned to guard my heart desperately, as the bible says; from it are the issues of life.
I have learned that people cant have my back as much as God has it.
I have learned to seek Godly counsel when I cant seem to understand or make a clear decision.

Depression is real and could be a lot more severe, people may or may not be there for you but you have to decide when it stops. The devil has no power over your emotions, he only has as much as you give him. You have to be the one to cry out to Jesus just like the woman with the issue of blood, she fought for her own healing! She was desperate and intentional, you have to become fired up just as much. If you need a partner to fight with you, I will be right here. Suicide is never a way out!

 You dont need validation to be happy, you dont need people to be happy, you dont need to go clubbing,drinking or do drugs to be happy, in fact those things directly fight your happiness. You don't have to be perfect for anyone, it is an imperfect world already, only Jesus is perfect and He is the way the truth and the light, cry out to him, his hands are not too short to save.

I feel no shame in sharing my past with you because I know there are a lot of people fighting this demon and some of you may need some closure just to know that you are not alone. You are not alone brother, you are not alone sister, God is at the center of it all. there is no shame in reaching out, talking about it and getting help. It is a million times better than suicide. I encourage you to get up and keep moving, trust God to bring you to his expected end not yours as your emotions may be taking a toll on your mind. I hope this reaches everyone that needs it as God pleases. Sending lots of hugs, smiles and love your way.


  1. Great piece.....You don't need people's validation to be happy true and you don't need to be perfect for anyone.....Enough to keep me going for the day. Suicide is never an option, say no Depression, cry out to Jesus! Thank you ma. The Lord bless you greatly.

    1. God is good! I'm glad you took something from it

  2. Depression is truly real. I can totally relate. We need nobody validation to be truly happy. You said it all. With God everything is possible. Thanks Sam Sam.

    1. You are very welcome, the issue of depression cannot be over exaggerated. Thanks for reading

  3. Thank you so much for Sharing The Lord is indeed gracious and kind, so powerful and inspiring. God bless you!


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