
Showing posts from January, 2017

Now We are Married, What Next?

After you are done with the wedding and the whole ceremony, what next? Well, now the journey of “till death do us part" begins. This is when you start building the kind of home you desire; Marriage is not a bed of roses; it has its ups and downs, it’s just like a beautiful house built to the taste of its owner; a land was acquired, plan was drawn and the building process began. A lot of work, money and patience were put into making that house come to be. The same goes for marriage, it goes whatever way you want it to go and becomes whatever you want it to be 90% of the times. If you want a peaceful home, you have to do the things that bring peace or joy or whatever you desire it to be. Marriage needs work, it doesn’t make itself, and like a plant needs water to grow so does it require time, patience, perseverance, payer and the word of God. It does not have a final destination; it is till you are called out of this world. A time will come when you would think marriage fo

God’s take on Marriage

Marriage is a sacred union solely between a man and a woman, it is honorable unto God and He takes the marriage business very seriously. In our world today, being joined together with one’s spouse is not taken as serious anymore as man and woman now dwell together as though they were married, even some laws encourage this, and some culture still encourages a man to have as many women as he may desire. I need to point it plain blank that this does not glorify God; it simply means we do not take seriously what the bible tells us.  Marriage is a covenant, an oat taken before God and must be taken extremely seriously. It is not meant for babies but for the matured minds; an immature couple is like a house built on sand and we know what happens when the storm comes. God created Eve out of Adam’s rib and brought her to him. There, Adam confessed her the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh; Gen. 2:22 and 23. This is what God imagined and wants marriage to be. He desires us to enjo