God’s take on Marriage

Marriage is a sacred union solely between a man and a woman, it is honorable unto God and He takes the marriage business very seriously. In our world today, being joined together with one’s spouse is not taken as serious anymore as man and woman now dwell together as though they were married, even some laws encourage this, and some culture still encourages a man to have as many women as he may desire. I need to point it plain blank that this does not glorify God; it simply means we do not take seriously what the bible tells us.
 Marriage is a covenant, an oat taken before God and must be taken extremely seriously. It is not meant for babies but for the matured minds; an immature couple is like a house built on sand and we know what happens when the storm comes.
God created Eve out of Adam’s rib and brought her to him. There, Adam confessed her the bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh; Gen. 2:22 and 23. This is what God imagined and wants marriage to be. He desires us to enjoy our union with our partner in a holy way, verses 24 says that a man would leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they would become one flesh. Once you are joined with your spouse, you become partners in everything, there is no division whatsoever, there’s no me or you, it becomes us. God so loves marriage that he says that when a man finds a wife, he has found a good thing and obtains favor from He the Lord; Prov. 18:22. This is a different kind of favor, this is specifically for marriage, a new grace that unfolds as a result of been joined to your wife in holy matrimony. This favor covers your new family and helps you start the journey ahead as a team, your body becomes hers and hers yours and kept solely for each other’s needs, bed undefiled.
    As a husband, the bibles says you should dwell with your wife in understanding as she the weaker vessel 1st Peter 3:7, and wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, Eph 5:22; the word submission as it relates to women would be broadly discussed in upcoming posts. Love is not only to be portrayed by men to their wives but women need to love their husbands too, without love, a home cannot be built or a marriage should not be entered into. It is not only for ourselves we should show love towards our spouse but through us our children learn how to love and show it towards others in the right way. Also God hates divorce; He hates the torture it puts us through. As His children, when we hurt, He hurts as well.
When we follow God’s instruction as to the person for us to be joined with and go ahead to settle down, He rejoices and blesses our union, our happiness is His happiness, He looks forward to what greatness we would accomplish together; so when this love and joy He once saw in a couple dies and separation happens, He hurts because He knew so much could have been done to fix whatever problem or better still to avoid the problems causing separation. The issue of divorce as it relates to the bible has been interpreted differently by so many people making it appear as a puzzle that needs to be solved, but the bible has the truth which says only infidelity may be a cause for divorce, God never created the institution for divorce, we did. He wants us to be forgiving of our spouse’s wrong doing; He gives us so many chances when we sin against him, hence expect the same from us when we are offended no matter the level of wrong doing. Not to deviate totally from our topic, Marriage should not be a pain but a blessing, the journey is not always smooth but doesn’t have to be rough most of the time, God wants us to enjoy our marriage, not endure it, of course there is a level of endurance needed. Tests and challenges will come no doubt, our faith will be tried but a home that is built upon the word of God would surely stand.
Here are some things you can try when or if your marriage is going through a rough season;
You need to believe that Jesus is Lord over your marriage and trust that He can fix it; He always has your best interest at heart
·        Talk to God in prayer
·        Study God’s word and declare it over your marriage
·        Be assured that it is not a test that you are not built for
·        Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit
·        Ask God to help you heal from every bruise and pain, so forgiveness and revival can take place.
Where ever you are reading this, I stand in the need of prayer for your marriage, that peace be still and the love of Christ would flow through and heal every brokenness, pain and sadness in the name of Jesus. Amen


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