
Showing posts from February, 2017

What do You really mean when you tell your spouse ''I Love You''?

The expression, "I LOVE YOU" has been terribly abused! What do you  really mean when you say "I LOVE YOU" to your spouse? This is what it should mean;     'I accept you the way you are.'           That I do not wish to change you into someone else, but only to be right by God and you                                         That I do not expect perfection from you,    just as you should not expect from me         I will stand by you even through the worst of times!  Now let me break this down; When things are tough, LOVE says ‘we are in this together; thick and thin, I will stand by you.’ Attraction says 'I did not bargain for this, I have no business with you as long as you cannot meet my expectation;' If this is how rough life will be, then you are on your own!  Tough times reveal the true nature of our loved ones. Love always gives but lust only specializes in taking. I love you means you are still dear to me
Effective Communication in Marriage Communication is one of the toughest struggles couples undergo in marriage, this is simply because we are different people that have decided to live the rest of our lives together, which means we have to learn how to be compatible and deal with our differences and this cannot be achieved without communicating.  Communication goes beyond having a conversation and there is really no specific way to communicate. The bible tells the man to love his wife and wife to respect her husband, if this is the foundation of marriage, communication would be a lot easier, bearing in mind who we are about to talk with or to and the place they stand in our lives. Every marriage is unique, each couple communicate differently. Emily may not mind her husband’s “rude’’ tone when he is angry but it may not be the same for Jess. My advice is; find out how your spouse love to be spoken to and flow with it, in as much as this doesn’t pose any danger to either of yo