What do You really mean when you tell your spouse ''I Love You''?

The expression, "I LOVE YOU" has been terribly abused!
What do you  really mean when you say "I LOVE YOU" to your spouse?
This is what it should mean;
    'I accept you the way you are.' 
    That I do not wish to change you into someone else, but only to be right by God and you                        
         That I do not expect perfection from you,  just as you should not expect from me
     I will stand by you even through the worst of times! 

Now let me break this down;

When things are tough, LOVE says ‘we are in this together; thick and thin, I will stand by you.’ Attraction says 'I did not bargain for this, I have no business with you as long as you cannot meet my expectation;' If this is how rough life will be, then you are on your own!
 Tough times reveal the true nature of our loved ones.

Love always gives but lust only specializes in taking.

I love you means you are still dear to me when you are in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want or need you to do.

It means loving you when you are down, not just when you are fun to be with.

I love you means I know your deepest secrets but would never use them against you.
It means I care enough to fight for what we have and love enough not to let go.

I love you means I care about your feelings! It’s not all about me because love is not selfish!

That I care about your dream, your passion is my concern and I have a major role in making them come through!

I love you means I'm committed to you; After God, you are my focus!

Now, are these and many more positives what you mean when you say "I Love You"?

This doesn’t mean you would have a hurdle free marriage, but this sets you in the direction of conquering every odd and building stronger bond with your spouse. 
When you begin to feel disgusted by your spouse, there is every indication that your love is beginning to shake. 
Before you become joined with someone, make sure you love them and not just attracted to them, I really wont advice that you learn to love your spouse after you are married, this most times causes too many hurts and pain in the process. Living with someone you love is a challenge not to talk about one you have no such feelings for. 

However I would encourage and support you trying to restore the love you once had for your spouse, especially if you are still married. Maybe a lot has happened that has made the heart to become hateful, but it is very possible to love the same person again, if both are willing to compromise and shoot at it. I will talk extensively about re-loving someone you once loved in my future posts. For now, stay in love and choose forgiveness over hate, God bless.


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