
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Submissive Wife is worth more than Rubies and Gold

The book of Colossians 3:18 is so simply put but is a crucial struggle for us wives. As the bible clearly states; we are to submit to our husbands as is fitting to the lord. What does this really mean? Well, it’s simple; we are to surrender totally to our husbands as he is our Lord. However this doesn’t mean women have to allow themselves to be abused neither should we respond to abuse by being abusive. I get it! Submitting under someone’s authority is not as easy as the word is spelled, but if we love God we must succumb to his commands with our whole heart. It could be tougher when our spouse is one of those that appear authoritative which we can easily mistake for being rude, but a man is a man and was created with very high level of authority, sometimes they fall short of using this authority rightly. It’s like our bosses at our place of work, not all of us is lucky to have one that will approach us the way we want but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are rude or nasty and fi

A Man’s Love for his Wife is the major reflection of the depth of his Love for God

No man genuinely gets married to show hate to his wife; while there are different backgrounds and intentions of marriages, the fact still remains that most marriages were intended to be built on love, but things happen in life that could shake this foundation. As a matter of fact, all men want to love and cherish their wives in the best way they can, but when circumstances kick in sometimes, love begin to be questioned. I like to defend men on intentionally not showing love towards their wives; this is not true and totally unfair to think that a man would marry a wife just to punish, maltreat, or neglect her (there is no smoke without a fire); however, this is not to support any kind of abuse, be it emotional or physical. Each man has his own understanding of how to treat a woman with love, and family background most times is their major influence. Yes, I am not a man, but I am married and live with a man and boy has my husband done some things that has made me question