A Submissive Wife is worth more than Rubies and Gold

The book of Colossians 3:18 is so simply put but is a crucial struggle for us wives. As the bible clearly states; we are to submit to our husbands as is fitting to the lord. What does this really mean? Well, it’s simple; we are to surrender totally to our husbands as he is our Lord. However this doesn’t mean women have to allow themselves to be abused neither should we respond to abuse by being abusive. I get it! Submitting under someone’s authority is not as easy as the word is spelled, but if we love God we must succumb to his commands with our whole heart. It could be tougher when our spouse is one of those that appear authoritative which we can easily mistake for being rude, but a man is a man and was created with very high level of authority, sometimes they fall short of using this authority rightly. It’s like our bosses at our place of work, not all of us is lucky to have one that will approach us the way we want but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are rude or nasty and first instinct tells us we owe them some level of respect higher than our co-workers, think of that in regards to your husband as he is your first and will always be your boss.

It is extremely important to study the man you want to live the rest of your life with and this is commonly and most effectively done by being in a relationship, do not look from afar, stay close and study closely. Seek God's face and make sure you hear directly and are convinced that he is the one the holy spirit has chosen, honestly this is the only way your marriage will succeed in the way God has destined. Trust me, a man who lacks the understanding or not open to know God's word, may not have knowledge of managing the authority he has been given effectively, which may arise in power intoxication, hence abuse and what have you.

We wives often think of submission as a negative term, but it is a very positive and Godly term and is one tangible key to happiness in our marriages. Being submissive is not being weak or enslaved, it is being supportive of the authority God has given to the man in our lives and honestly nothing breaks a man more than a supportive wife, even a Godly man hates to be challenged. A godly man would go extra miles to make his obedient wife happy as she brings him peace and to him she is worth more than rubies and gold. He has no time oppressing or abusing her as he would be occupied with ways to show her the depth of his love.

One of my toughest struggles when I just got married was to submit to my husband, I knew what the bible said and I understood clearly, but there was a part of me that would cringe when I read through that passage or hear someone preach or talk about it. It wasn't because I didn’t love my husband or want to be submissive but I just felt I was being weak if I became submissive and I hated that feeling. Most  times he asked something of me, I always had an idea in my head  how I wanted him to ask and if it didn’t come out that way, I would assume him as being rude or oppressive and that most times would make me protest his authority.
One day, we had a very strong argument and I wasn’t going to give up, then in my quiet place God began to ask me why I was punishing my husband for the way he was created, why I hated so much the power he bestowed on him right from creation. He started showing me my mistakes and how I have been mistaking firmness for rudeness, I began to plead with God to forgive, help and teach me.

This is just to encourage us that we are human, with flesh and blood, we could fall short some times and in those times we need to ask God for help and the holy spirit to give us a teachable spirit. We cannot fulfill the commands in the scripture without the help of the Holy Spirit; by strength shall no man prevail 1samuel 2:9. 
Submission could be difficult but totally doable, know your husband and know the things that appeal to him. The love you have for him should boost your willingness to please and respect him then let God lead the rest; our eyes should constantly stay on him regardless of who our spouses are and He will surely keep us in perfect peace.


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