A Man’s Love for his Wife is the major reflection of the depth of his Love for God

No man genuinely gets married to show hate to his wife; while there are different backgrounds and intentions of marriages, the fact still remains that most marriages were intended to be built on love, but things happen in life that could shake this foundation. As a matter of fact, all men want to love and cherish their wives in the best way they can, but when circumstances kick in sometimes, love begin to be questioned.

I like to defend men on intentionally not showing love towards their wives; this is not true and totally unfair to think that a man would marry a wife just to punish, maltreat, or neglect her (there is no smoke without a fire); however, this is not to support any kind of abuse, be it emotional or physical. Each man has his own understanding of how to treat a woman with love, and family background most times is their major influence. Yes, I am not a man, but I am married and live with a man and boy has my husband done some things that has made me question his love for me!, but deep down I  know he is not acting out of sheer wickedness.

Now, Men let’s talk! The issue of loving your wife is very important and vital, we know most of the time that you love us, but communicating this love to us sometimes is just a disaster and as a Godly man, loving your wife shouldn’t end in the way you feel about her, you need to do everything necessary and unnecessary to make her know and see that your love for her is firm.

The bible has a major command about loving your wife just as Christ loved the church, Ephesians 5:25. Now, before going into marriage; you need to ask yourself what this verse of the bible ministers to you, To what depth does God love the church?, what extent would He go for his church?, do you really love God and can you convey this love to your wife just as He loves His church? The church we are talking about here is you and I (If you have accepted Christ as your Lord). If your heart is not convinced as to whether you can fulfill this command, then you need to go back and seek Gods directions. Whether you like it or not, marriage comes with a price and you must be mature enough to want to pay it.

Loving your wife should be your primary ministry as it is the major reflection of the depth of your Love for Christ. If you neglect and fail your wife, then you are neglecting and failing God, same thing happens if you please and express love towards your wife. It is unfortunate how some men are so lost in the activities of the church that they barely even notice or have time for their wives with whom they are supposed to be one flesh.

I am not going to tell you ways or how to love your wife, if you are confused on how you can show her love, then seek understanding from her; she alone can tell you how she wants your love to be expressed towards her. Every woman wants to be adored and cherished but each woman has her own definition of what adoring and cherishing her means, so have a heart to heart talk with your woman. Ask her how you can make life better for her, you may be surprised the little things she would require of you as against the big things you have been doing.

Learn to speak her language, this is not being foolish, it means you value your marriage and have chosen to be happy, even the bible says in proverbs 21:19 that it is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman, so your priority is to assist her in being a virtuous woman.
A godly wife will never lead you astray or take advantage of the Godliness in you because she also works with understanding.


  1. A man is only as good a husband to you as he is a good wife to Christ. Simply put, a man who is a God-lover will know how to Love his wife. 1 John 4:7-8

    Ladies, a man does not complete you. When God created the woman, He created her perfect that's why she can be a HELP-MEET (meet the man's need). Gen 2:18 'The Lord said, it is not good for MAN (man here was gender specific) to be alone. A woman completes a man. But a woman who is not complete in herself, CANNOT complete a man
    As a woman, know that God created you complete. You are a perfect, finished work. Let no man deceive you otherwise.

    There is a favour EVERY man lacks until he finds his right woman; his help-meet Provs 18:22, Provs 19:14

    Marriage as God ordained it, is a beautiful thing. We always emphasise on the role of a woman in marriage, but God in His mercies has given us guidelines to follow and marriages would last longer and couples happier if everyone (husbands, wives and children) commit to their God-given roles. 1Cor 7:1-16, 1 peter 3, Eph 5:22-33, Provs 6:20-23, 1:8, 12:4, Eph 6:1.

    Much love


    PS: I totally disagree with the saying that "there's no smoke without fire". You can have lots of smoke without fire. But there's NO FIRE without SMOKE. Selah :-)

    1. Blessings! great words,thanks for sharing. However the term " there is no smoke without fire" isn't referring to physical fire, its just a term used to explain that every situation has a cause or a trigger, this does not necessarily mean that the person who bears the effect of this situation is the cause.

    2. Well done for your good work Samantha. Marriage is a great thing that should be held in high esteem by all and not entered into likely.

      Which regards to the term "no smoke without fire", i understand the phrase, but I believe it is worded wrongly hence I pointed out that it's "no fire without smoke". Thinking about it logically, I think they are both right.

      Most fire starts off with just smoke; the man or woman has been tolerating a lot. Harbouring so much hurt and resentment (smoke gathering- hence i said there can be a lot of smoke without fire) and one day; PUFF! it becomes a big raging fire. Tension has been building.

      I believe that couples should always learn to talk things out- although men are not big on talking much, but communication is one of the key to every successful marriage. Talking helps to completely air and put out the smoke so it doesn't become a blazing fire that can not be put out or when it is eventually put out; has burnt a lot of things that are irreparable.

      I hope this puts my statement more into perspective?

      More grace to you.



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