
Showing posts from April, 2017

First Year of Marriage doesn't have to be Horrible 2

Indeed the first year of marriage shouldn’t be a drab. Embark on an intimacy journey. Intimacy is a close personal relationship that exists between two people. Intimacy is something personal or private that you do or say. In intimacy there is closeness and trust which happens through an exchange of values. In Genesis 2:18, we hear these words echo across the centuries, still vitally relevant to our relationships today: "The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” Consider that the Hebrew word for helper is ezer — remarkably, the same word used in Psalm 11v8:7: "The LORD is with me; he is my helper (ezer)." Keeping this idea in mind reinforces the essential role we play within our sacred partnership. The blessing of friendship and tenderness in marriage honors this unchanging truth: A wife's loving companionship was designed by God to meet her husband's number one relationship need: intimacy.

The First Year of Marriage doesn't have to be Horrible

For this cause, shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife and they tw o shall be one flesh (Eph 5:31). Then the marriage official goes ahead to say, "I now pronounce you, husband and wife". This is the beginning of a journey that is meant to be forever; for many, it is the beginning of a contract that can be terminated at will whenever it turns out to be too tough or whenever they feel as if it isn ’ t working out as they had envisaged, while for some others, it is the beginning of getting everything they had always wanted. After everyone is gone and the party is over, reality sets in, he wants to be respected and treated like a king, she wants to be adored, adorned and pampered, then expectations kick in. The first year or firsts few years turns out to be one where each partner tries to change the other. They come in with so much expectations of what their partner should be giving or doing; and that is the beginning of disappointment and diss