Thoughts on Drug Abuse/Addiction. SammySpeaks

As humans, a lot of times we speak and judge people in their current state without looking beyond the surface. Sometimes we begin to analyze the mistakes we assumed were made that resulted to the present and a lot of times we are wrong.                        

 I decided to make this video after a discussion I had with two couples whose kids are battling with drug use and some unhealthy addictions. Honestly, I have seen people blame parents of such individuals and to some extent they have their own valid reasons to pass these blames (even though no one is in the position to judge others), however it is not the parents fault in all cases. We have to remind ourselves every time that we are in a constant spiritual warfare, the devil is never asleep, and so we need to uphold each other rather than kick those who are already down.

Speaking with these couples was more of an eye opener for me to see from the parental angle and to really understand the pain a parent go through to watch their children go this path especially if they played their part rightly as a parent. This video is for both parents and the people who think it right to be judges rather than speaking a word of grace over such folks.


  1. Well said, people are quick to judge and condemn, don't judge anyone even after walking a mile in their shoes, especially christians; pray for each other, encourage and support those that are going through. More grace.


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