
Showing posts from 2017

There is no such thing as a PERFECT MARRIAGE!

Have you ever felt so low, and down in your spirit because your marriage isn't what you imagined it to be? Do tears roll down your cheek when you watch a love story and hoped your moment will be as intimate and real as the screen couples? Do you think back to when you were just dating; things were so sweet and the love was so real even through misunderstandings, and now you wonder if your spouse is still the same person? Now you ask yourself where things went wrong, how your spouse could hurt your feelings and would not even think he/she did anything wrong. How you cry at the middle of the night next to your sleeping partner and they hardly even notice, and at this point you are not sure if there is still love, even the term ‘I love you’ no longer define its originality but a common phrase and response just to keep the mind going. You find yourself enduring each day pretending all is well or hoping it will.  I’m here to let you know that I feel your pain, I have been there

It all begins with IGNORING

You look at your marriage and wonder and ask how things got so sour. You are not even sure if you are happy or just living one day at a time. Things seem to have turned around from sweet to bitter, from playing to frequent arguments, and when your spouse tells you “I love you”, you respond just so he/she doesn’t feel hurt even though deep down they sense that you may not mean it and may also feel the same way. You find yourself cry just by seeing other couples that appear happy even in a movie, and the only question running through your mind is “how did we get here?” and  feel the hotness of your blood running through your veins and your heart racing with heaviness. Well, this pain, exhaustion, struggle, coldness and final breakdown in marriage often begins sadly with a ''mere'' action called IGNORING. Ignoring the little things that hurt your spouse Ignoring your spouse who is sitting alone looking sad and you assume they just need alone time even though it rea

Thoughts on Drug Abuse/Addiction. SammySpeaks

As humans, a lot of times we speak and judge people in their current state without looking beyond the surface. Sometimes we begin to analyze the mistakes we assumed were made that resulted to the present and a lot of times we are wrong.                             I decided to make this video after a discussion I had with two couples whose kids are battling with drug use and some unhealthy addictions. Honestly, I have seen people blame parents of such individuals and to some extent they have their own valid reasons to pass these blames (even though no one is in the position to judge others), however it is not the parents fault in all cases. We have to remind ourselves every time that we are in a constant spiritual warfare, the devil is never asleep, and so we need to uphold each other rather than kick those who are already down. Speaking with these couples was more of an eye opener for me to see from the parental angle and to really understand the pain a parent go through to

My Sex Life, My Business!

Sex is a gift from God, sacred, holy and meant for the enjoyment of married couples alone. Now, every couple wants to be sexually satisfied by their partner which is not a bad thing, it is how the body is made and sexual urges were given to us by God Himself, so there is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. It is very fulfilling when we are sexually satisfied, beautiful, precious and very spiritual; every experience should be kept private. No matter how close a person is to you, do not let down your guard and start telling them about your sex life, describing how it started to the point of orgasm. You might ask; can I just give my best friend a modicum on how my spouse satisfies me in bed? The answer is No; however general statements like; I have a good sex life or I do enjoy sex, may not necessarily pose any threat to your marriage but still possible. First of all, the human mind is not only deep but very graphic and broad, so when you go ahead to tell a friend innocently

why you cant afford to go into Marriage with Unresolved Negative Emotions

Whether you like it or not, marriage comes with its own stressors and you don't have to agree with this fact. Some things that could pose stress in a marriage are children, difference in personality, difference in opinions, decision making, and the list goes on. These are enough to crash your marriage if not handled properly, so you want to make peace with whatever unresolved negative emotions you have before you enter into a new life commitment with someone. Negative emotions are very common but are rarely recognized or payed close attention, hence we ignore them or don't think they could effect our marriage adversely. These emotions could be from bad breakup, previous emotional, verbal, and or physical abuse, broken trust, witness to bad parental marriage, etc. I like to educate you on why you can’t afford to bring this baggage with you, there would be no sugar coating, and if you want your marriage to succeed, then this is it. v   Your marriage may end even before

Interview With Pastor Jessica Gonzalez

MaritalValues: OK guys, before we start let me just give you a briefing about Jessica. She is an Associate pastor and presiding Spanish pastor at the First Assembly of God church in Waterbury, CT. She burns with the fire of God (I mean an Amazing, spirit filled woman of God!),very down to Earth, with a sweet and contagious personality. So, she's married with Kids,you will find out for how long in a bit as she will be taking us through an exciting journey on her marriage, some challenges,successes and how they have made it this far especially as a pastors. MaritalVlues: Hello Pastor Jessica, thanks for granting this interview. it is really a blessing and great privilege. Ok, can you give your full name? Shrink it if it’s too long (Laughter): Pastor Jess.: My name is Jessica Gonzalez, Je (that’s what my hubby calls me), Ma (that’s what my kids call me), and Pastor Jessica (that’s what the church calls me). MaritalValues: Very exciting. Where is Pastor Jess. from?

Finding Wisdom in Marriage

Matt 19:5-6 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. 6, So they are no longer two, but one flesh; Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Marriage remains one of the best things God instituted; Beautiful, honorable and sacred.  Described as a place, marriage to me would be serene, peaceful, clean, bright, a garden, transparent precious stones and crystal details with well-armed security to avoid invasion. A place of safety where you get everything you need. Human relationships are the most difficult of all interactions and being a constant part of another person's life is even more complicated. When you choose to marry someone, you have signed up to be a constant part of their lives forever; unfortunately, many marriages today collapse even before they begin. Why are there so many problems in marriages? Why does it seem as though desire diminishes after marriage? Sometimes,

First Year of Marriage doesn't have to be Horrible (4)

    Well someone popped the question over a year ago, then your big day came and you both spent a small fortune on your wedding. Over 200lbs. of Shrimp, Lobster and beef. You had a Live band and you had the best venue money could buy, Purchased a $1500.00 wedding gown and all those roses my lord, tons of roses everywhere. All the bridesmaids and Grooms men, what a fairytale wedding you had. Then there was the honey moon on a Private Island surrounded by beautiful blue water and pearl white sand, Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! You came back and opened your gifts and you made enough money at the wedding to at least get an apartment, but when you think back over that time and all the money you spent for that one day you could have bought your very own home. Now that you are beginning this journey in an apartment with virtually no money in the savings, You are still amp up and excited because you are so in love and haven’t had your first giant show up in your life, so being in love